Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Referral? Get $$$ if you know someone. Help a friend get a job and get something yourself!!

Chances are you know an IT professional or Software Engineer.  If you help them get a good job by referring them to us and they get hired, we will reward you for it!  How cool is that?

We are giving away $200 Amazon Gift Cards (yes, that's correct) as referral awards for good referrals.

  • You refer a qualified candidate (we must NOT have their already; if we have their resume, the referral award is void).
  • The referred candidate is hired
  • We send you a $200 Amazon Gift card after we are paid (usually within 30 days.  Gift cards sent via email address.  The email gift card page is found here on Amazon.  We'll send it to the address you provide)

This isn't a legal contact.  However, we believe in spreading the bounty around - you know "reap what you sew".  You could just help your friend out by letting them know we have a really sweet job, right?  But we want you to share in the joy also.  So in return for helping us get a good person placed, we will return the favor with a gift card.

FUN FACT #1: these jobs are NOT posted online at sites like Dice, Monster and Careerbuilder.   That means your friend isn't competing with only about 1,000 other resumes for the hiring manager's attention.

FUN FACT #2: We bring direct access to the decision-maker (the hiring manager).  Resumes aren't going through HR, whose talented people may or may not have the Tech savvy to know what they are seeing.

We're about spreading the love!  The job love and the $ love for you - so refer your peeps and share in the love-fest!

- The new hire is required to stay in the job a minimum of 30 days
- We have to collect payment from our client before we send you the Gift Card
- If the above doesn't happen, we won't be able to send you the Gift Card (it's like planting crops "you reap what you sew"... if the seed doesn't sprout, then no one wins; however, as long as we are paid, you will get the Gift Card).
- The intent is that as long as we are paid, we will give you a Gift Card for $200 from Amazon.  If we don't get paid, neither do you.  However, if you help us, we'll help you!!

Thanks for checking us out!
- the Tech:Job team

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