Friday, November 2, 2012

Technical Support Engineer (Seattle, WA)

Do you want to work with the team that created an application named...


Interested in our other awesome jobs? We'd love to talk!  Contact us and we will hook you up.

Thanks for checking it out!

- the Tech:Job team

Systems Engineer (Seattle, WA)

We are looking for talented Systems Engineer to join our platform team.


Interested in our other awesome jobs? We'd love to talk!  Contact us and we will hook you up.

Thanks for checking it out!

- the Tech:Job team

Sr. Software Engineer - Mobile (Seattle, WA)

Established software technology company


Interested in our other awesome jobs? We'd love to talk!  Contact us and we will hook you up.

Thanks for checking it out!

- the Tech:Job team

Sr Security Software Engineer (Seattle, WA)

This is a senior technical role as part of a team that will address the requirements


Interested in our other awesome jobs? We'd love to talk!  Contact us and let us help you get the awesome new job you've been looking for.

Thanks for checking it out!
- the Tech:Job team

Thursday, November 1, 2012

SDE - Senior Java Engineer for social business solutions (Seattle, WA)

Current U.S. work authorization REQUIRED
Direct hire, No Corp to Corp or Third-party agencies

We compensate generously for the right individual


Interested in our other awesome jobs? We'd love to talk!   Contact us and let us help you get the awesome new job you've been looking for.

Thanks for checking it out!
- the Tech:Job team

Analytics Software Engineer (Seattle, WA)

Analytics Software Engineer

Location: Seattle
Compensation: DOE.  We compensate generously for the right person.
This is a direct, Full-time hire (FTE).  Sorry, no Contract, Corp-to-Corp


Interested in our other awesome jobs? We'd love to talk!  Contact us and let us help you get the awesome new job you've been looking for.

Thanks for checking it out!
 - the Tech:Job team

C++/Python Software Engineer - Applications developer

We have an immediate need for a C/C++/Python user-space/applications developer.   If you are passionate about automated, feature rich, web based build systems, then this is the position for you.

 Interested in our other postions? We'd love to talk!   Contact us and let us help you get the awesome new job you've been looking for.

Location:Seattle, Washington
Current U.S. work authorization REQUIRED
Direct hire, No Corp to Corp or Third-party agencies
We compensate generously for the right individual

Client-Side Software Engineer (Java, C#, or C++) / API Wizard (Seattle, WA)

We are looking for a Client-Side Software Engineer / API Wizard.  Located near Pike Place in Seattle, Washington.  Drink Java, write Java (or C++ or C#) and slay goblins!

Location: Seattle
Current US work authorization required
No Corp to Corp or Third-party Agencies (sorry)
Position is full-time employment. Sorry, no contract work.

Position FILLED. Goblins being slayed right now. :)

Interested in our other awesome-sauce positions?  Contact us and let us help you get the awesome new job you've been looking for.

Thanks for checking it out!
 - the Tech:Job team

Monday, May 7, 2012

Our Value Proposition #1: Avoiding the HR Black Hole

As referenced in a previous post, your resume has on average 6-9 seconds of evaluation time before it's trashed or moved on. 

6 seconds. It's shockingly short.  

Come on, fellow nerds, get out your stop watches (your Android or iPhone apps) and time it.  Now time it with your resume out in front of you.  How far did you get?

This assumes that your resume is even looked at by human eyes.  It may not be.  Resume screening software is increasingly utilized to screen resumes before a human does.

How many times have you applied to a position that you know for sure you are qualified for and not heard back? ... At all?
That, my friends is the Black Hole.  I find with Technology jobs, it's a little worse.  Come on, what do us Recruiter / HR types really know about writing code?  I saw job descriptions back in 2001 asking for 10 years of Java development!  Really? 

So, our value proposition is this:  Bypass the HR Black Hole.  I didn't make it up.  I did start to use it on my own, but it's a phenomenon as clear as the sun rising and setting: you send in your resume and it's like it disappeared.

Not with us.

We have relationships with the actual hiring managers - tech guys and gals, just like you, who know what they are looking at.  So when we help you apply for a job (you aren't going to work for us after all - we're helping you go to work directly at the client company i.e. hired by them, full time), you bypass HR and the Black Hole, your resume gets more than 6-9 seconds of view time, and a technology professional and the decision-maker evaluates what they see  in front of them. 

There's more to what we do for you in aiding your quest for the next step in your career, and we'll post about that in the future.  For now, we invite you to think about the value proposition and avoid the HR Black Hole. 

Check out posts for what's available.

Thanks for stopping by!
 - the Tech:Job team

Friday, April 13, 2012

9 Things to Never Do with Your Resume

Ok, so it's 9 tips and a few expanding points, it's not all "don'ts", it also includes some "do's".  But it's all relevant if you're doing (or not doing) it.

Tech:Job is going to include these kinds of tips from time to time.  Take them or leave them.  Some of these points (objective statement, notably) differ depending on who you talk to.  Other points you ignore at your own peril: long resumes don't get read, and including irrelevant personal information that can actually hurt your chances for getting the job, for instance.


1. Cut out all the irrelevant work experiences.  You want to cut the clutter so HR, the Hiring manager, or Recruiter see's why you're a good fit quickly.  Do you need job from high school listed?  That one's pretty obvious, but what about other jobs that don't sell you for the one you're trying to get right now?

While we're at it: Don't list Hobbies.  It's clutter.  None of the people you want to impress to give you the job cares about it.  Remember: focus. 

2. Don't list irrelevant personal stuff: marital status, religious preference, social security numbers, where you grew up, country of origin, etc.  Some of this is illegal for employers to ask you.  It can hurt you to offer the information up, it doesn't help you, and it's unnecessary.  Declutter.
"You have on average 6-9 seconds for your resume to make an impression and get the viewer to look longer.  Don't waste it with unnecessary info."
While we're at it: Don't give them the chance to guess your age.  So removing date of birth (DOB), and possibly removing graduation dates on your Education.  This is more relevant if you think you may be discriminated from a position because of your age.  It's not legal, but that doesn't mean it can't happen.  Be smart. 

3. Don't let your resume exceed one page.  At the risk of being repetitive: six to nine seconds... make it count. 

4. Don't write your resume in the third person.  Hopefully this one is obvious.  We know you wrote your resume, so instead of writing "Mark developed....", instead write simply "developed", and then what you did. 

5. Don't include references.  If they need them, they will ask for you at the appropriate stage in the process. 

6. Don't use an unprofessional, 'vanity' email.,, etc.  Use a professional email like, or  Yeah, your friends think you rock, but the hiring manager will be less than impressed.  Make a new one. It takes minutes and it's free 

7. There's no need to identify your phone number.... as a phone number, or  email address as an email address. It's obvious what they are.  Simply list them by your name.  No: Phone: 206-555-1212   Yes: 206-555-1212

8. Don't include your current business contact info.  You don't want them calling you at work.  It can be embarrassing and awkward.  List personal contact info only.

9. Get rid of the objective. Since you applied, it's obvious you want the job.  This is one you will see disagreement about.  Some people advocate the use of it for a selling statement for what you bring to the organization.  If used as a selling tool, maybe.  However, beware of cliché phrases like "team player", etc.  The other situation where possibly useful is if you are switching fields, then explaining what you are after makes sense - you're helping the viewer understand.  But if your objective is generic "to obtain X position at Y company" when you are sending the resume in for x job at Y company already, then see above about focusing and getting to the point.

Happy hunting!  And check out our current listings.
- the Tech:Job team

Senior Front End Web Developer .... and help make history

We are looking for a rock star front end developer to help us take our site to the next level. You will play a critical role in the design and development of the consumer facing user interface. Your work will be viewed by millions of customers and have a sizable impact on the creative direction of the company as we move forward. You’re a savvy technologist and you have the portfolio to prove it. You will have the opportunity to take lead on writing customer facing web pages on the site that includes the end to end Ecommerce experiences. If you are a person who gets excited about being able to develop products that would be used by millions of people all over the world, this is the opportunity will be perfect for you.

  • Develop optimized, cross-platform front-ends in CSS/XHTML/Javascript, and work with the middle-tier PHP code to support it
  • Object-oriented Javascript, JQuery, AJAX mastery
  • Work as a team member to ensure that implementation details translate through to shipping products and services that serve business needs. Emphasis on teamwork and interpersonal skills
  • Collaborate with product managers, designers, backend engineers and Show product ownership and strong inter-personal skills
  • Interface with the UI community to absorb the latest trends and emerging technologies
  • Develop low fidelity functional design prototypes to demonstrate proof of concepts and to enable rapid iterative support for evaluative usability

  • 3+ years of relevant web programming experience, or 5+ years in CSS, HTML, Javascript
  • A proven track record of launching interactive internet sites/applications
  • Must demonstrate strong interaction and rapid prototype engineering skills across a broad spectrum of technologies including:
    o HTML / XHTML / HTML5
    o CSS
    o Javascript: Ajax and DOM manipulation (jQuery or other library experience a plus)
    o PHP / SQL
    o XML / JSON
    o Adobe Photoshop

  • BA/BS degree or higher, preferably in CS
  • 5+ years of experience as key member of a UI design team participating in the complete product development lifecycle of several successfully launched software applications
  • Ability to switch rapidly between different projects in a fast-paced environment

We have a big vision, a talented team, and a high-energy culture which make it fun to come to work each day. If you’re looking for a cool company with an opportunity to disrupt a $50 billion market, you’ve found it.

Interested?  Looks like a perfect fit for you?  Contact us and let us help you get the awesome new job you've been looking for.

Thanks for checking it out!
- the Tech:Job team

Thursday, April 12, 2012

How's this for a job? Wizard, Writer, Mall Santa, Rasputin Impersonator

.... so great!

I have to give credit to   via Twitter: 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Referral? Get $$$ if you know someone. Help a friend get a job and get something yourself!!

Chances are you know an IT professional or Software Engineer.  If you help them get a good job by referring them to us and they get hired, we will reward you for it!  How cool is that?

We are giving away $200 Amazon Gift Cards (yes, that's correct) as referral awards for good referrals.

  • You refer a qualified candidate (we must NOT have their already; if we have their resume, the referral award is void).
  • The referred candidate is hired
  • We send you a $200 Amazon Gift card after we are paid (usually within 30 days.  Gift cards sent via email address.  The email gift card page is found here on Amazon.  We'll send it to the address you provide)

This isn't a legal contact.  However, we believe in spreading the bounty around - you know "reap what you sew".  You could just help your friend out by letting them know we have a really sweet job, right?  But we want you to share in the joy also.  So in return for helping us get a good person placed, we will return the favor with a gift card.

FUN FACT #1: these jobs are NOT posted online at sites like Dice, Monster and Careerbuilder.   That means your friend isn't competing with only about 1,000 other resumes for the hiring manager's attention.

FUN FACT #2: We bring direct access to the decision-maker (the hiring manager).  Resumes aren't going through HR, whose talented people may or may not have the Tech savvy to know what they are seeing.

We're about spreading the love!  The job love and the $ love for you - so refer your peeps and share in the love-fest!

- The new hire is required to stay in the job a minimum of 30 days
- We have to collect payment from our client before we send you the Gift Card
- If the above doesn't happen, we won't be able to send you the Gift Card (it's like planting crops "you reap what you sew"... if the seed doesn't sprout, then no one wins; however, as long as we are paid, you will get the Gift Card).
- The intent is that as long as we are paid, we will give you a Gift Card for $200 from Amazon.  If we don't get paid, neither do you.  However, if you help us, we'll help you!!

Thanks for checking us out!
- the Tech:Job team

Lightsaber: Coolest Weapon Ever? Search your feelings, you know it's true

I came across this fake Motivational poster and had to share:

Thanks for stopping by!
- the Tech:Job team

Senior Java UI Engineer ....Jedi User-interface Master

Awesome news!  We're looking for a Java UI Master... like a Jedi Master, but with UI in Java.  You know who you are. 

And yes, this job is not posted out on Dice, or Monster, or wherever.  It's an exclusive.  We  are looking for someone senior.  (But if you are junior and up-and-coming to senior, don't be afraid to reach out to us - we have other opportunities also).

So here's the skinny...

Senior Java UI Engineer

Location: Bellevue or Seattle WA

The pesky details must needs out of the way:
*Current US work authorization required
*No Corp to Corp or third party agencies

Join us!  One of the most exciting, high tech, high growth companies in the Pacfic Northwest is seeking a Senior Java UI Engineer to work with the latest Java technologies and engineering conventions in a SaaS business model. Build world-class user interface using principles of object-oriented design and the attributes of various programming paradigms.

  • Take a primary role in the design and development of a complex rich-client solution
  • Work closely with cross functional teams and customers to intimately understand their needs and provide solutions
  • Participate in collaborative design and highly iterative development
  • Perform analysis and troubleshooting for debugging application problems
  • Help in the documentation and training of delivered software
  • 5+ years of Java and Javascript UI side design and development experience
  • Solid data structure and algorithm knowledge required
  • Excellent interpersonal, written, and verbal communication skills with customers, teammates, and other internal colleagues
  • Experience with Java/GWT UI programming is a plus
  • Proficiency with TeamCity and IntelliJ
  • Ability to operate in an agile, entrepreneurial start-up environment
  • Domain experience in IT is a plus
  • B.S. Computer Science or equivalent experience

So grab your lightsaber if you got one (and if you don't, why not?), and send a message through the force, or failing that, contact us.

Thanks for checking us out!
- the Tech:Job team

Monday, April 9, 2012

Introduction: About Tech:Job

Hi There,

This is Tech:Job, a blog about Technology Jobs.

We'll blog about current trends, skills, languages, and include new posts for jobs you won't find on sites like Dice, Monster, CareerBuilder or Indeed. Which also means the hiring manager won't have 1,000 resumes to look at before they see yours.

As the site develops, we'll have posts about specific jobs and in specific locales. There will also be relevant job searching tips and info, like tips to polish your resume, what to do (and not do) in an interview. Possibly even job interview horror stories and humorous anecdotes.

Thanks for checking us out!
 -The Tech:Job Team